Our Mission ...

says Bill Sandman, "...is my mission as founder of these tiny corporations.  It is to make just a few products, products which do what pilots really want, where no existing product fills that need.

Examples are the M-20 Turbo-Normalizer, chosen because nothing that I would want on my airplane existed, yet I wanted a turbo. Or like the M-20 Air/Oil Separators, because what did exist could neither "separate" nor keep the belly clean."  The pages which follow explain the details of these products and our focus on excellence.

Company Profile

M-20 Turbos, Inc. with its two subsidiaries, M-20 Turbo Kits and M-20 Oil Separators, carries on a 100-year heritage of leading-edge development. 

The background has deep roots in the development and major advancements in X-Ray and other forms of radiation, from the beginnings as a laboratory curiosity in the middle 1900's to the major tools now familiar in medical, industrial radiation and nuclear weaponry.  At all stages, Bill's companies shared a leading role.

Another background root was in temperature control of liquids.  Temperature control equipment with precision of 1/100th degree F, developed in 1950 for the National Bureau of Standards Photo-Sensitometry Project, opened the path for temperature related advances in Radiography, Photography and made controlling Electro-Polishing to millionths of an inch a practical tool for making watch and gyroscope parts and the sharpest of surgical sutures.  Hundreds of other innovative ideas found their way into advancing the fields of Automobiles, Aviation, Space, Nuclear Ships, Weaponry and Food Preservation from its seemingly unrelated beginnings in fine hardwood Cabinet Making.

The thread of commonality across all the companies and all the products was, that in both quality and performance, no other participants came close.  For example,

  • In radiation, our company owned all 7 patents which created the radiation shielding industry and these designs are still the bases of construction, today.

  • When we produced temperature control equipment to 1/100th degree accuracy for the Bureau of Standards, two of our largest X-Ray customers, Westinghouse and GE, gave up trying for 1/2 degree accuracy required for film processing and sold our products, instead..  

  • At the beginning of the nuclear submarine program, in a verbal negotiation with Admiral Hyman Rickover, Bill was awarded a contract to design and build the radiac labs for the first 2 nuclear submarines,  Nautilus and Seawolf.  The Admiral was so pleased with the result that instructions went out to each of the shipyards that Bill's company was the only acceptable source. We built the labs aboard the first 50 US submarines, the merchant ship Savannah, the nuclear tenders and the British Dreadnought.  

  • For the H-Bomb tests the Special Weapons experts from White Sands consulted Eastman Kodak  to obtain photo-sensitometry equipment to measure the heat of the proposed hydrogen blasts.  Kodak's expert immediately redirected them to Bill who had designed and built Kodak's (and DuPont's) equipment.. For the tests at both Eniwetok and Christmas Island,  there was no other source. We built unique designs for each of the three cognizant agencies: AF Special Weapons, Army Signal Corps and the Atomic Energy Commission.

  • With the present "retirement" activity, the same excellence puts the aviation products in a class by themselves.  See the pages on turbos and separators for details.

With years in "active retirement", Bill Sandman finds the excitement continuing in developing products for his flying hobby.  As an authority on the Job Shop Problem in Economics and Applied Mathematics, he hopes for the time to develop a web site for making his proven Q-CONTROL System for control of manufacturing productivity, widely available.

The company credo is "Excellence Has No Bounds."

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5612 NW 38th Terrace, Boca Raton, FL 33496
Order: 1-800-421-1316  Fax Orders: 1-970-872-3862
Technical & General Information: 1-866-620-2667